sorry but this sounded not so good =( it was´t to bad but i couldn't listen to it...
sorry but this sounded not so good =( it was´t to bad but i couldn't listen to it...
This was ok, but i think you need a huger and louder lead or something =) because it was pretty much the same sound level all the way. Make a peak or a solo maybe =D
Thank you for your advice. :) I'll try to think about that more in the future. I need more feedback like this! :D
The song is ok, but i hope for a bigger sound level on 00:50, but oh well it was good.
Sick dude!!! but the only thing to complain, that it´s a little bit repetitive...
Sounds awesome! but i think you need to make the dubstep louder and not so low as it is now, overall it was sick! =) By the way... i also make music check it out when ya got time =D
nice! but to much GroseBeat... And alittle bit to much on the lead. overall Good =)
Lol for a guy with the name GlitchAssassin I thought you would like the glitch. No? >:P But yeah I wrote this one pretty fast. I need to learn to spend more time on my songs. Maybe when I'm not going to school.
you are amazing! sounds so good to me! 10* =D
amazing dude! Fit perfect in a traveler game =D or someting like that. When ya got time. i realy like feedback so check out my songs if u want. =)
Amzing! i altso use Nexus =D
Thanks dude =)
Only 2h?? Amazing dude! it sounds like an snowy island or like a city senario/urban. Really good! When you got some time left, check out my songs =D
Hi not so much about me. But i can say im creactive in many ways, like Music making, Painting, Photo shoping and so on. i also like to play Games.i started here so i can build a fan base to trust on. im enjoying life and take days as they come. So yea....
Age 31, Male
Joined on 10/27/09